Tao Of The Auto-Correct

Posted under Lifestyle, Technology On By Alan Berkson

I recently made the following statement across most of my social networks:

Confession: I often type a word knowing full well it’s spelled incorrectly but try to get it close enough so spellcheck will figure it out

While many of the responses were commiseration, I got an amazing response from Shivi Isman, good friend and a strategic communication consultant:

Isn’t that how most of us go about life in general? Trying to do our best knowing full well it’s not perfect but settle for “close enough” hoping things will somehow fix themselves and it will all turn good?

Doesn’t that sum it up? If that weren’t enough, she followed it up with this gem:

Well, the flip side of this – also, just like life in general, is all these times you try hard to spell something right, and the stupid auto correct makes a mess out of it…

So there you have it. The Tao of the Auto-Correct.

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